
AbstractThis article provides an overview of the literature on “flexible citizenship,” a concept of the ways in which people seek out and use multiple citizenships to navigate transnational geographies for securing lifestyles and maximizing potential opportunities in a dynamic interconnected world. I argue that in order to deepen our understanding of the ways in which individuals perceive and use their citizenship(s) to “respond fluidly and opportunistically” to the constantly changing contemporary world, we need to broaden our approach to flexible citizenship, understanding it as both a “logic of capitalist accumulation” (Ong, , p. 6) as well as a logic of pursuing less tangible, less quantifiable life goals relating to lifestyle, identity, and everyday practices. First, I review the developments in theoretical approaches to citizenship in recent decades, exploring the importance of flexibility to understanding citizenship in contemporary contexts. I continue by highlighting selected studies that demonstrate how flexible understandings of citizenship are used to accumulate capital for the purpose of mitigating against economic and political uncertainty. I conclude by exploring newer research on the ways in which flexible citizenship can include other logics than those of financial and political security and how combining these two perspectives of flexible citizenship can advance our understandings of citizenship, transnationalism, and identity in a global and globalizing world.

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