
Geographical analyses of antibiotic use identify regions with the highest consumption and help design policies for strategic patient groups. We conducted a cross-sectional study based on official data available in July 2022 from Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Antibiotics are reported as a defined daily dose (DDD) per 1,000 patient-days, and central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is defined according to Anvisa criteria. We also considered multi-drug resistant (MDR) as the critical pathogens the World Health Organization listed. We measured antimicrobial use and CLABSI trends per ICU bed using the compound annual growth rate (CAGR). we evaluated the regional variation in CLABSI by multidrug-resistant pathogens and the antimicrobial use in 1,836 hospital intensive care units (ICUs). In 2020, the leader in use in intensive care units (ICUs) in the North was piperacillin/tazobactam (DDD = 929.7) in the Northeast. Midwest and South were meropenem (DDD = 809.4 and DDD = 688.1, respectively), and Southeast was ceftriaxone (DDD = 751.1). The North has reduced polymyxin use (91.1%), and ciprofloxacin increased (439%) in the South. There was an increase in CLABSI by carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the North region (CAGR = 120.5%). Otherwise, CLABSI by vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) increased in all regions except the North (CAGR = -62.2%), while that carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii increased in the Midwest (CAGR = 27.3%). we found heterogeneity in antimicrobial use patterns and CLABSI etiology among Brazilian ICUs. Although Gram-negative bacilli were the primary responsible agent, we observed a notable increase trend of CLABSI by VRE.

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