
NEWS has been received from the expedition of Dr. Emil Riebeck, dated July 7 last. It will be remembered that Dr. Riebeck, together with Dr. Schweinfurth made a thorough investigation of the island of Socotra, which was of high scientific importance. After this task was accomplished, the travellers separated, and Dr. Riebeck crossed to Bombay, travelled through large tracts of the Himalaya Mountains, remained for some time in Cashmere, then passed through the Ganges land, investigated Ceylon, and eventually undertook a special and detailed examination of the coast district of Aracan. He ascended the Karnasuli River from Tschittagong as far as the Hill tribes, to which Prof. Bastian has drawn special attention. He made many measurements, took numerous photographs and plaster casts of this highly interesting tribe, which is still living in a most primitive natural state. The climate, however, and particularly the frequent fording of rivers, soon told upon Dr. Riebeck's health. He contracted a fever, and had to be taken to Singapore. His valuable collections of zoological, anthropological, and ethnological specimens duly attracted the attention of geographers, and were frequently referred to at the recent “Geographentag.” Since then Dr. Riebeck has continued his journey. Starting from Singapore, he is to follow the eastern coast of the Asiatic continent, then to cross over to Australia and New Zealand, and finally to return to Europe next summer by way of San Francisco and Panama.

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