
Though from early days the divisions of HAMADORI, NAKADORI, and AIZU in Fukusima prefecture have been recognized, there are same other regions which are to be distinguished each other from the landscapical point of view. The author has classified these regions into live groups: the group of Hamadori-lowland, Abukuma-plateau, Nakadori-lowland, Central divide, and Aizu. (Fig. 5)(A) Belt of Hamadari-lowland. It is the littoral belt which is made of desected coastal terraces and delta plains, and has warm winter and cool summer. Therefore evergreen tree, Oak and pasauia oak, distributes there mixing among the deciduous trees, Rice culture prevails over the region. In spite of wonderful growth of rice-plant in early summer, the output of rice per acre is not more than that in Aizu-basin, since the summer temperature is not high, A1 Region of Soma-shineha. There were many lagoons, but now except Matsukawa-ura, these lagoons have been drained artificially. It is among the main regions of rice and cocoon production. A2 Region of Naraha is most narrow part which has many tablelands and hills, but without low plains. A3 Region of Iwaki-lowland is the most wide and populous portion with coal mines, and industrial and fishing towns; Taira-city, Onahama, Ena and Yotsukura. (B) Belt of Abukuma-plateau. Mountain grazing has been performed in a rigion which is below 10% of the ratio of arableland to total area. Some fields of barley, wheat, tobaco, and mulbery Tree distributes on the slope and top of low hills. The pattern of distribution of rice paddies are dendritions. B1. Region of Abukuma-sanchu is most mountainous and sparsely populated region in the belt. And it has many mountain pastures. Main products are horses and charcoal. The Region of B2 is almost non-resident, since the relief is very great, because of desection of rivers crossing the escarpment which laced A1 and A2. The region of B3 is a transition zone between B1 and B7. B4 legion of southeastern Ahukurna-plateau is an analogous part of B1, but has lower summit level, main products is horse, charcoal, tobaco, A rum-root, and timber of cryptmeria. B5. Valley of Kuji is an old path way between the Valley of Abukuma and the Kanto, B6. Tobaco region of Abukuma plateau. Because of the production of tobacoes of Matsukawaleaf speces, it is famous region. planting rice-plant, raising sild worm and havesting barley and wheat from late spring to early summer, havesing tobaco in late summer, and rice in Autumn are busy work in this region. There are numerous money crops. Horses are raised in stall almost all season. The core of tobaco region (B6a) lies in the central part of the plateau. B7. Sericultural region of Kenpoku-plateau, In B belt it is the most important region of sericultnres in Spring, Summer, and early Autumn. Though the region had produced raw silk and silk stuff by house industries, according to the developement of manufactures, the production of those items has concentrated in a few towns: Kawamata, Iino and Nihonmatsu (B7.a) is the southern part of B7. and has wide piedmont lowland (200-400m) Settlements and fields distributes not only over the slopes but even to the tops of hills there, (C) Belt of Nak dori-lowland. It is a series of intermountains basins along the River Abukuma, and has a dense population and high ratio of arableland to total area, C1. Fukushima basin is one of the most populous region in the prefecture. Commercial tree cultures of apple, pear, peach, and cherry are generally confined in this basin, some of them are monoculture. Market gardens spreadding over the northeastern part of Fukushima city supplies various vegetables to that city and to the Hokkaido destricts, etc. The most intensive agricultures in this Prefecture are seen on the basin floor.

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