
We tried in this research can offer a simple explanation for the problem of high groundwater levels in the city of Hit. And its repercussions on economic, environmental, social and health aspects in the city,We were checked in the causes and dimensions and give a scientific vision in order to overcome the obstacles.We have adopted the style inductive and field survey and analysis of the questionnaire, which was distributed to a sample of homes form.The study found that the most important results of the natural world (geology and surface) that a significant impact on this phenomenon. Also it left a large, social and environmental health and economic impacts on the city and its inhabitants. We greet you see the ground and salted Rookery, ponds, swamps and pollutants .... and housing that lacks the gardens. And walls cracked by moisture and become the most residential and public buildings infected with diseases buildings and extinction and the many diseases that affect the health of urban populations and the dispersion of land use and contamination of optical and environmental hit even sources of water supply and of the Euphrates River city and provided a scientific vision for treatment, among them the work of bumpers impede the progress of the underground water and increasing the discharge Trocars the old lining


  • We tried in this research can offer a simple explanation for the problem of high groundwater levels in the city of Hit

  • Its repercussions on economic, environmental, social and health aspects in the city,We were checked in the causes and We have .dimensions and give a scientific vision in order to overcome the obstacles adopted the style inductive and field survey and analysis of the questionnaire, which The study found that the most important .was distributed to a sample of homes form results of the natural world that a significant impact on this phenomenon

  • Walls cracked by moisture and become the most residential and public buildings infected with diseases buildings and extinction and the many diseases that affect the health of urban populations and the dispersion of land use and contamination of optical and environmental hit even sources of water supply and of the Euphrates River city and provided a scientific vision for treatment, among them the work of bumpers impede the progress of the underground water and increasing the discharge Trocars the old lining

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‫ في سبعينيات القرن الماضي شرعت بمدية مدينة ىيت‪ ,‬بشق مجرى خاص لعين السيالي‪,‬‬‫مكونو من انابيب اسمنتية ‪ ,‬تمر بمنطقة حي الجري نحو وادي الدوارة‪ ,‬حتى نير الف ارت ‪ ,‬ألا ان‬ ‫امتداد العم ارن باتجاه العين وكذلك الاىمال كان سبباً في تعرضيا لمكسر والانسداد‪ )27(,‬بحيث‬ ‫اخذت المياه الجوفية الخارجة من ىذه العين تطفو عمى السطح‪ ,‬ثم اعيدت الكرة مرة اخرى من قبل‬ ‫الجية المسؤولة في بدايت السبعينيات ‪ ,‬وىذه المرة وضع كتمة كونكريتية فوق فوىة عين السيالي‪,‬‬ ‫بقصد ايقاف التدفق السطحي ليذه العين‪ ,‬ألا ان ىذا الاج ارء كان و ارء تسرب الماء الجوفياة باتجاه‬ ‫المناطق المجاورة لمعين‪ ,‬وظيور برك ومستنقعات فييا وتصاعد رطوبة الاضية والجد ارن وامتلبء‬ ‫احواض الخ ازنات (السبتتنكات)كما حدث في منطقة الجري والعمال واج ازء من حي المعممين‪,‬‬ ‫والجية الشمالية الغربية لممدينة واج ازء من حي البيطرة سابقاً‪,‬فتعالت اصوات الناس بالمطالبة لتغير‬

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