
Macrozamia communis is a common cycad that occurs in eastern New South Wales, Australia, where it forms an understory in various forest or woodland communities. Leaf number of reproductive individuals as well as of nonreproductive ones, taken as an indication of size class, varies clinally from north to south, with reproductive individuals in southern populations having mean leaf numbers about 12 times greater than those at the northern end of the range of this species. Female cone size and mature ovule weight appear to vary also along this gradient. Using leaf number as a predictor of sexual maturity, from 37 to 100% of the individuals present in a population were judged to be mature. The percent of mature individuals participating in the 1987 coning episode ranged from none in three southern populations to 68% elsewhere. In 9 of 10 samples more males than females participated in the 1987 coning episode, with a collective sex ratio slightly male biased for all populations sampled. In three population samples average cone numbers for male and female plants were equal. In two samples males produced more cones per plant than females. Leaf numbers of males and females in individual populations were equal. Few individuals producing cones in 1987 showed evidence of recent prior cone production, suggesting that successive cone production by both sexes is separated by an interval of several years. The periodicity with which fire is used as a fire suppression method may affect the frequency of cone production in some populations, perhaps preventing it entirely. The apparent absence of recruitment in some populations may result from long‐term seed collection by humans for horticultural purposes as well as the very poor seed dispersal that appears to characterize this cycad throughout its range. The weevil Tranes internatus was observed occupying the internal tissues of female cones; this insect may be involved in the pollination of M. communis.

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