
Abstract We reconstructed the phylogeny and estimated mitochondrial DNA diversity to assess levels of divergence and population structure in the Black-spotted Barbet complex. This complex consists of three Amazonian taxa: Capito niger, C. auratus, and C. brunneipectus. Sequence divergence between these taxa is relatively high and all are monophyletic, which is consistent with the classification of these taxa as distinct species. Within C. auratus, a relatively deep split in the gene tree yields two reciprocally monophyletic groups separated by the Amazon, Solimoes, and Ucayali Rivers. Apparently, these rivers serve as an effective barrier to mtDNA gene flow between these populations of C. auratus. Carotenoid plumage coloration did not contain phylogenetic information for this group and several subspecies of C. auratus named on the basis of such coloration were not monophyletic based on mtDNA comparisons. However, mtDNA variation suggests that C. auratus contains at least two evolutionarily significant uni...

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