
AbstractThe eradication of violence against women has become a matter of urgent attention for Mexico. The possibility to prevent this behavior requires a collaborative approach where it is assumed that violence towards women as a public problem and therefore implies responsibility on the part of the state, but by society as a whole. Prior to the eradication of this kind of violence, we need to understand and know the types of violence and the places where they occur. Evaluating the complexity and magnitude of this phenomenon, in Mexico, was created the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence that includes the mechanism of the Gender Violence Alert with Women (AVGM), which suggests the uniformity of the information collected all the institutions that give attention to women in situations of violence. On the basis of these provisions is intended to design a system of reusable information for all the states of the Mexican Republic, that act as a center of electronic information, organized, systematized and homogeneous for the design of public policies; aimed to contribute to prevent, address, investigate, punish, and eradicate the different types of violence against women in Mexico. This project is in the proof of concept phase, whit real user data, the develop at the system is finished and be available at GNU/GLP license, once it has been fully tested.KeywordsGeographic systemWoman’s violenceData warehouse

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