
In this study, a mapping of the potential for agribusiness in the southern part of West Java was carried out, which serves as a policy material and business development in developing local potential in the agribusiness sector to improve local communities’ welfare. West Java Provincial Regulation Number 12 of 2014 divides the Southern part of West Java into three Growth Center (PP) zones, namely PP Palabuhanratu, PP Rancabuaya, and PP Pangandaran. The agribusiness potential of South West Java is dynamic and varied. However, it has not been developed optimally to improve local communities’ welfare, which is generally scattered in underdeveloped villages. The government and developers (entrepreneurs) have difficulty obtaining digital data updates. The purpose of this research is to map the regional potential in the field of agribusiness in the form of digital data to facilitate the development of agribusiness potential in coastal areas located on the shores of the Indian Ocean (Indonesian Ocean). The research method uses Geographical Information Systems. The results showed that the potential and variants of agribusiness in PP Palabuhanratu are spread across 5 districts. In PP Rancabuaya spread into 5 districts. Meanwhile, PP Pangandaran is spread over 5 districts. This research can be used as policy materials and business development in developing local potential in the agribusiness sector to improve the welfare of the people of West Java.

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