
Geographic Information System is a computer based tool for marking specific Places on maps. It is a collection of map systems, geographic datum and human knowledge makes it possible to present the geography around us with the aid of digital technology. We have collected locations of Work Sites using Google Earth Android Application and Sharing Locations on WhatApp Messenger. We have selected Village Jeeda in District Bathinda(Punjab) for GIS planning of Works which are to be executed under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). Works related to Natural Resource Management such as Plantation, Renovation of Community Ponds, Maintenance of existing plantation, Irrigation Water Channels Maintenance etc. Block plantation, Ponds are marked with Polygons attributes and Line Plantation, Irrigation Water Channels are marked with paths attributes. GIS has a wide range of applications. It is equally important in Natural Resource Management. The GIS in Natural Resource Management is a resourceful technique in measuring natural resource assets.

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