
doi: 10.12957/geouerj.2016.13119 Considering that currently there is no way to separate education and new technologies, since each time more early the young man makes use of new technologies, the present work had as objective to analyze the experience developed in the education of Geography, being objectified the knowledge of the “place” while space of experience of the pupils, from the use of new technologies, more specifically of the Google Earth and the Google Maps and the work of field. The work was developed in 2013, with the group of 8o Year “C” of the E.E.E.F. Maria Emilia Oliveira de Almeida, located in the city of Campina Grande/PB, having as research object the quarter Presidente Medice, in which the school is embedded. Aiming to achieve the objectives outlined we used the action research seeking to involve the school community in the process. The work was developed from literature reviews; quantitative research; expository and dialogued lessons; virtual research in the computer science laboratory, use of software’s Google Earth and Google Maps; field lesson; photographic registers, notations and theoretical discussions e; socialization of the results in the pedagogical sample of the school. The youthful allure for the new technologies was evidenced, beyond, of the strong presence of such innovative tools in the daily conviviality of the teachers.

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