
Electrical resistivity (electrical conductivity) of water and bottom soil of the Barguzin Bay was studied by radio impedance soundings in VLF/LF bands, and the measurements were analysed. The georadar sounding method was used to investigate dielectric permittivity of freshwater ice (dielectric constant is ε=3.4). We developed the technique of radio impedance sounding from the ice surface of Lake Baikal for measuring the electrical resistance of bottom soil in the water area, and applied this technique to a layered model of a medium with a base showing poor/good conductivity. Geoelectric models were constructed for the Barguzin Bay coast and the southern Lake Baikal. The geoelectrical section (GES) of the water area can be useful for earthquake forecasting from electromagnetic data, as well as for analysing the physical and chemical causes of the occurrence of ring structures on the ice surface of Lake Baikal.


  • Electrical resistivity of water and bottom soil of the Barguzin Bay was studied by radio impedance soundings in VLF/LF bands, and the measurements were analysed

  • We developed the technique of radio impedance sounding from the ice surface of Lake Baikal for measuring the electrical resistance of bottom soil in the water area, and applied this technique to a layered model of a medium with a base showing poor/good conductivity

  • Geoelectric models were constructed for the Barguzin Bay coast and the southern Lake Baikal

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Решение ε ρ h

1. Результаты измерений модуля и фазы импеданса на пяти частотах для талых горных пород и электрические параметры восстановленного геоэлектрического разреза. 1 представлен результат интерпретации частотной зависимости по­ верхностного импеданса на пяти частотах СДВ-ДВ диа­ пазонов для талых горных пород. Георадарное зондирование Для целей георадиолокации применялся георадар «ОКО-2» с антенным блоком АБ-1700 с центральной частотой зондирования 1700 МГц [OKO-2 Radio-Tech­ nical Device..., 2006; Vladov, Starovoitov, 2004; Semeikin et al, 2005] Толщина льда на маршруте профиля в основном составляла около 0.9 м, увеличиваясь до 0.95–1.00 м на мелководных участках вблизи южного и северного берега залива В ме­ стах интенсивного торошения толщина льда увеличи­ валась до 1.2–1.4 м 5, а), есть небольшие участки уменьшения толщины льда до 0.5–0.6 м На профиле была пробурена скважина для определения толщины льда и его диэлектрической проницаемости.

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