
Geoeconomics of Hunger and Repletion. Development Pitfall of National State in the Era of the Nutrition Transition The article is devoted to the influence of the phenomenon of the nutritional transition, and the epiphenomenon causally connected with it – the socio‑economic development and institutional changes taking place in contemporary nation‑states.This paper discusses the most important political, economic and natural costs combined with nutritional transition. The author tries to show the main obstacles to the effective implementation of political decisions on particular areas of social reality, and taken in the situation of rising costs (as a consequence of the deteriorating health condition of citizens and ways of industrial food production) to maintain healthcare systems, pension systems and the protection of the natural environment. The current eating habits and the epidemic of obesity were recognized as a new, yet usually omitted in political science, factor defining long term potential and capability of states and indirectly their position as a subjective actors in international relations.

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