
The article presents the author's view of the place of geoeconomics in the structure of geopolitical knowledge and its role in modern geopolitical changes. Based on the analysis of a number of concepts (J. Attali, C. Zuboff, Mondialism, Atlantism), the conclusion is formulated that geoeconomics is not just a new, but, above all, a leading area of geopolitics, which will determine the nature of the development of the entire world civilization in the near future. The paper describes some of the features of new economic systems and types of relations that are formed in a global, homogeneous unified world, the total spread of digital technologies, the establishment of the dominance of Internet giants.   Резюме: имя существительное: резюме, сводка, краткое изложение, конспектимя прилагательное: краткий, суммарный, скорый

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