
The analysis of relationships between metallogeny and geodynamics in the Urals made by preceding researchers in recent times has proven that they are related. However, in the present study more attention is paid to metallogeny of the platform (Middle Jurassic-Paleogene) and neotectonic (late Cenozoic) stages. It is also updated by new information concerning the Wilson cycles preceding the platform stage. It includes a revised understanding of geodynamic development of the Timanides (ocean formation in the Late Riphean and collision in the Late Vendian) and of the Uralides (a new interpretation of relationships between Tagil and Magnitogorsk arcs, arc-continent collision in the Late Devonian, subduction jump in the Early Carboniferous, and thrust stacking in the Late Carboniferous-Permian). More attention is paid to the problem of plumes and their role in metallogeny of the fold belt. It is shown that many well-defined types of ore deposits have become additional geodynamic indicators themselves. At the same time, it is taken into account that many deposits are polygenetic and different stages of their formation belong to different geodynamic stages.

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