
Currently there are many online GNSS precise point positioning (ppp) post-processing services freely available to users. Three of them were used in this research: CSRS (Canadian Spatial Reference System) PPP, OPUS (On-line Positioning Users Service) developed by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and AUSPOS provided by Geoscience Australia. These solutions were tested to investigate the most suitable one for data processing in the Northern area of Cameroon which is likely to be adopted for establishing ground control points useful for this country National base map. The three online solutions were compared with each other according to the accuracy of the measured point. The results indicated that, for observation durations between 30 and 40 min, the AUSPOS and OPUS methods aborted while the CSRS PPP solution provided best accuracies, with standard deviations under the desired limit. Keywords : Global navigation satellite systems, accuracy, online data processing service, geodetic survey control network. Cite this Article Ekani Mebenga Thibaut Aloys, Takem Ebangha Agbor Delphine. Geodetic Survey Control Networks Establishment using GNSS Online Data Post-Processing in Developing Countries. Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science and Technology. 2016; 5(3): 34–41p.

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