
Territorial planning is undergoing significant transformations that establish as working conditions the use of web-based geospatial technologies, the use of methods for sharing decisions and listening to citizens and the wide use of mechanisms to facilitate understanding due to geovisualization. Among these resources, the methods of planning by Geodesign stand out, which were adapted in the proposal of the web-based platform GISColab, elaborated with the purpose of favoring the shared planning by co-creation. The platform extensively applies the resources of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI’s) through protocols established by OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) for consumption of information via WMS (Web Map Service) or WFS (Web Feature Service), allowing in both cases the increment in performances by WPS (Web Processing Service). The article discusses the differences in information consumption and illustrates them through two case studies: Trees for Metropolitan Regions, in which the accesses to data were built by WFS and support to decisions were based on WPS; and Geodesign at Participatory Budgeting where accesses were via WMS. The conclusions indicate the importance of public data being, in fact, of public access and consumption, demonstrating the positive impact of alignment with data exchange protocols. The GISColab platform, developed according to these principles, supports participatory planning, expressively communicative and in transformative-learning actions.

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