
Climatic factors such as ambient temperature at birth may influence acquisition of passive immunity (Cabello and Levieux, 1978) Lymphocyte capacity to be stimulated in bovine was reported to range with age, period of the year and reproductive status (Soper et al., 1978) Daily and seasonal cyclicity of the immune functions are temporally integrated with other physiologic and behavioral processes and all of them are regulated and coordinated with daily and seasonal changes of an external environment by the neuroendocrine homeostatic system (Plytycz and Seljelid, 1997). Geographical placement of farm animals subjects them not only to the action of macroclimatic (soil structure, temperature, rainfall, vegetal biocenosis, etc.), but also to technological factors. The study aimed to investigate the influence of cummulated environmental factors from a plane and hilly region, respectively, on rosette-forming and blast transformation capacities (in vitro micromethods) as well as lysozyme concentrations (diffusion method using Micrococcus lysodeicticus as a standard strain) in healthy bovine, on conventional dairy farms. There was a negative influences of the hilly region climate on the total T lymphocyte numbers (8.25±4.33%), Th (1.63±1.41%) and Ts (2.88±1.73%) when compared to those in animals from the plane (25.23±7.45%, 2.5±0.9% and 12.73±6.05%, respectively). Similarly, the spontaneous and mitogen induced blasogenic responses were increased in the animals from the plain farm as opposed to those observed in bovine from the hilly region farm (57.9±29.2 and 54.4±24.8% versus 13.45±5.24 and 16.65±7.0, respectively); nevetheless, the mitogenic response was decreased when compared to the sponatneous one in the prior category. There were no significant differences in the lysozyme concentrations. The results indicated a higher susceptibility of bovine raised in hilly regions to infections where the cell mediated immunity rather than the humoral one plays an important role.

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