
<p>The Emeishan flood basalts are part of an important large igneous province along the western margin of the Yangtze Block, Southwest China. The western Guangxi region in southwestern China is geologically a part of the Yangtze Block. Mafic rocks, comprising mainly lavas and dykes in western Guangxi belong to the outer part of the ~260 Ma Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). Here we present a systematic study of platinum-group elements (PGEs) combined with the LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age, whole-rock geochemical and isotopic data of the lavas and dykes in the Longlin area of outer zone of ELIP to constraints on their origin. On the basis of petrography and major elements characteristics, mafic lavas and dykes display an enrichment of LREE, LILE, HFSE, high (<sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr)<sub>i</sub> ratios (0.704227~0.705754), low ε<sub>Nd</sub><sub>(t)</sub> values(0.42~0.99), high ε<sub>Hf</sub><sub>(t)</sub> values(5.19~6.04), they are similar to those of Permian Emeishan high-Ti basalts and Ocean island basalts (OIB) features. The Longlin mafic rocks was formed in the Late Permian with the zircon U-Pb dated age of 256.3± 1.7 Ma. The age of the Longlin mafic rocks is close to the formation age of the ELIP large-scale magmatism, suggesting that these lavas and dykes probably belongs to part of the ELIP large-scale magmatism. The Longlin mafic rocks have low total PGE contents ranging from 1.56×10<sup>-9 </sup>to 2.28×10<sup>-9</sup>, with Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt and Pd contents of 0.040~0.076, 0.046~0.076, 0.027~0.079, 0.037~0.056, 0.6374~1.053 and 0.715~1.021ppb, respectively. They show left-leaning primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns with depletion in Iridium group(IPGE) and enrichment in Palladium group, which also have lower contents than mafic rocks from the inner zone of the ELIP, suggesting that a low degree of partial melting of the mantle source plays an important role. The Longlin mafic rocks exhibit a marked increase in Cu/Pd ratios (>10<sup>5</sup>,84655 to 174785) albeit with a narrow range of lower Pd/Ir ratios (<50,13.4 to 18.7), different from the PGE-enriched basalts of the Siberian Traps, Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP), East Greenland CFBs and Deccan Traps, indicating that their parent magmas was significantly depleted in chalcophile elements. Calculations based on the available trace element geochemistry reveal that the basalts were originated by low degree of partial melting(<5%),with sulfides remain in the mantle during partial melting. Sulfide segregation could not happen during the evolution of the Longlin mafic rocks, due to the fact that neither significant fractional crystallization nor crustal contamination has been involved in their formation. Overall, mafic rocks from the outer zone of the ELIP show lower PGE contents than those in the inner zones, we find that the PGE contents in igneous rocks are related with the degrees of partial melting in the mantle source and the removal of sulfides before their emplacement.</p><p>This study was financially supported by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (2018GXNSFFA281009) and the Fifth Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province (to XU Ji-feng).</p>

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