
ABSTRACT The palaeoproterozoic tectonic/geodynamic evolution of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt (JLJB), one of the three representative palaeoproterozoic tectonic units in the North China Craton (NCC), remains controversial. The palaeoproterozoic mafic dikes sampled in the Jiaobei terrane, situated in the southern segment of the JLJB, could provide significant evidence for the JLJB’s evolution. Their LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating data show that these dikes were emplaced at the period of ~2175 Ma. They have relatively low SiO2 contents and relatively high contents of Al2O3, MgO, Cr, and Ni. Further, they exhibit high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Nb and Ta) depletion and weak Eu anomalies. Also, they show limited initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.700478–0.705069) and low ɛNd(t) values (−2.07 to −0.09) with model ages (TDM1) of 2722–2967 Ma. The magmatic crystal zircons yielded low ɛHf(t) values of −9.22 ~ −3.82 relative to the corresponding Hf model ages of 2627–2870 Ma. These geochemical characteristics of the dikes indicate that they originated via 5–10% partial melting of the North China Craton’s enriched lithospheric mantle within the spinel stability field. In combination with contemporaneous A-type granites, mafic rocks, and other meta-volcanic associations, palaeoproterozoic Jiaobei mafic dikes formed in a back-arc extensional tectonic setting. This further indicates that the JLJB experienced back-arc extending triggered by slab rollback of subducted oceanic plate at ~2175 Ma ago. This study reports new evidence regarding the evolution of Precambrian tectonics of the North China Craton.

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