
The Central Altun orogenic system is a result of the amalgamation of multiple micro-continental blocks and island arcs. This complex system originated from subduction–accretion–collision processes in the Proto-Tethys Ocean during the Early Paleozoic. Research has reported the discovery of several Li-Be granitic pegmatite deposits in the Central Altun Block, including the North Tugeman granitic pegmatite Li-Be deposit, Tugeman granitic pegmatite Be deposit, Tashisayi granitic pegmatite Li deposit, South Washixia granitic pegmatite Li deposit, and Tamuqie granitic pegmatite Li deposit. The Tashidaban granitic pegmatite Li deposit has been newly discovered along the northern margin of the Central Altun Block. Field and geochemical studies of the Tashidaban granitic pegmatite Li deposit indicate: (1) Spodumene pegmatites and elbaite pegmatites, as Li-bearing granitic pegmatites that form the Tashidaban granitic pegmatite Li deposit, intrude into the two-mica schist, and marble of the Muzisayi Formation of the Tashidaban Group. (2) Columbite–tantalite group minerals and zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that the mineralization age of Tashidaban Li granitic pegmatites is 450.2 ± 2.4 Ma with a superimposed magmatic event at around 418–422 Ma later. (3) Whole-rock geochemical results indicate that the Kumudaban rock sequence belongs to the S-type high-K to calc-alkaline granites and the Tashidaban Li granitic pegmatites originated from the extreme differentiation by fractional crystallization of the Kumdaban granite pluton.

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