
The Laodou gold deposit, located in the West Qinling Orogen of central China, is a newly recognized intrusion-related gold deposit. It consists of auriferous quartz-sulfide-tourmaline and minor quartz-stibnite veins that are structurally controlled by fault zones transecting the host quartz diorite porphyry. Two types of tourmaline were identified in this study: Type 1 tourmaline occurs as quartz-tourmaline nodules within the quartz diorite porphyry, whereas type 2 tourmaline occurs as quartz-sulfide-tourmaline veins in auriferous lodes. Here, we present a major and trace element analysis by electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry on these two types of tourmaline. Both tourmaline types fall into the alkali group, and are classified under the schorl-dravite solid solution series. The substitutions of FeMg–1, FeAl–1, AlO((Fe, Mg)(OH)) –1, and X-site vacancyCa–1 are inferred by the variations of their major element compositions. Field and mineralogy observations suggest that type 1 tourmaline is a product of the late crystallization process of the quartz diorite porphyry, whereas type 2 tourmaline coexists with Au-bearing arsenopyrite and is crystallized from the ore-forming fluids. Their rare earth element compositions record the related magmatic hydrothermal evolution. The Co and Ni concentrations of the coexisting type 2 tourmaline and arsenopyrite define a regression line (correlation coefficient = 0.93) with an angular coefficient of 0.66, which represents the Co/Ni ratio of the tourmaline and arsenopyrite-precipitating fluids. This value is close to the Co/Ni ratios of the host quartz diorite porphyry, indicating a magma origin of the ore-forming fluids. The substitution of Al3+ by Fe3+ in both tourmaline types shows that type 1 tourmaline approaches the end member of povondraite whereas type 2 tourmaline occurs in opposite plots near the end member of Oxy-dravite, reflecting a more oxidizing environment for type 2 tourmaline formation. Moreover, the redox-sensitive V and Cr values of type 2 tourmaline are commonly 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those of type 1 tourmaline, which also suggests that type 2 tourmaline forms from more oxidizing fluids. Combined with gold occurrence and fluid properties, we propose that the increasing of oxygen fugacity in the ore-forming fluids is a trigger of gold precipitation.


  • Tourmaline is common in a variety of hydrothermal ore deposits such as granite related W–Sn polymetallic mineralization [1,2,3], porphyry Cu ± Mo [4,5], orogenic gold [6,7,8], volcanic-hostedMinerals 2020, 10, 647; doi:10.3390/min10080647 www.mdpi.com/journal/mineralsMinerals 2020, 10, 647 massive sulfide [9,10,11], and iron oxide–copper–gold deposits [12,13,14]

  • Previous studies have shown that selected major and trace element compositions of tourmaline in hydrothermal deposits can be used as good indicators for the source and evolution of ore-forming fluids [19,20,21]

  • We present an in-situ dataset on major and trace element compositions of two types tourmaline from a newly recognized intrusion-related Laodou gold deposit in the West

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Tourmaline is common in a variety of hydrothermal ore deposits such as granite related W–Sn polymetallic mineralization [1,2,3], porphyry Cu ± Mo [4,5], orogenic gold [6,7,8], volcanic-hosted. Minerals 2020, 10, 647 massive sulfide [9,10,11], and iron oxide–copper–gold deposits [12,13,14] These diverse deposit types cover a broad spectrum of chemical environments and pressure-temperature conditions, suggesting a wide stability range for tourmaline [15]. This gold deposit is characterized by an abundance of tourmaline occurring within the host quartz diorite porphyry and the hydrothermal auriferous lodes, in response to the parental magma evolution (late magmatic or early hydrothermal fluids) and subsequent ore-forming events, respectively. Characterization of chemical compositions of these two types of tourmaline growth during progressive exsolution of magma and subsequent hydrothermal crystallization has provided new insights into magmatic hydrothermal evolution, and the related ore-forming process

Geological Setting
Type 2 Tourmaline
Electron Microprobe Analysis
Laser Ablation-ICPMS Analysis
Major Element Compositions
Li-rich granitoids and
Trace and Rare Earth Element Compositions
Origin of Type
Records of Magmatic Hydrothermal Evolution
Constraints on the Fluid Provenance
Redox State and Implications for Gold Precipitation
Full Text
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