
The geochemical characteristics of the volcanism, occured in the western Anatolia, display calc-alkaline (Oligocene-Lower Miocene) and alkaline (Upper Miocene-Pliocene) affinities. These two different volcanism have an important role to understand the geodynamic evolution of the western Anatolia during the Neogene time. The Karakaya lamprophyres, one of the products of these volcanism lying in the western Anatolia, comprises alkaline basaltic rocks extruded into the ignimbrites. Petrographically, they have mostly hyalopilitic, trachytic, intersertal, vitrophyric porphyritic, pilotaxitic and glomeroporphyritic texture. Olivine (mostly altered to iddingisite and resorbed by carbonate), clinopyroxene (diopside, augite) and phlogopite (partly transformed into Fe-Ti oxide) as phenocyrst phase, and apatite, quartz, garnet and opaque minerals as accessory phase defined. In some thin sections, quartz phenocrysts are surrounded by clinopyroxene needles that evulated as evidence of magma mixing. These lamprophyres are characterized by low concentrations of SiO2, TiO2 and total Fe2O3, high concentrations of Mg#, enriched in LREE and LILE but variably depleted in HFSE. In the total alkali silica diagram, Karakaya lamprophyres mainly plot in the fields of trachyandesite, basaltic trachyandesite. According to mineral chemistry results, olivines show normal zoning by increasing of CaO and decreasing of Fo contents from core to the rim. Pyroxenes are classified as diopside and augite compositions. The mica minerals are generally phlogopite The overall data about the petrograhic and mineral chemistry exhibit that these lamprophyres appear to derived by fractional crystallization of a magma mixing which formed by melting of the continental crust with effect of the uprising lithospheric mantle during in a extensional tectonic regime after the Middle Miocene.

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