
Representative chromite samples of schlieren and massive ore types from various localities of the Pindos ophiolite complex were analyzed for platinum-group elements (PGE), S, Ni, Co and Cu, and mineral chemistry. Host dunites and harzburgite were also analyzed for the chalcophile elements. The chromite ores show a wide compositional variation. The Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio ranges from 0.47 to 0.83 while Mg/(Mg +Fe 2+) ranges between 0.42 and 0.73, but two populations can be distinguished (the high-Cr and high-Al types), which show a more restricted variation. Ranges of PGE contents (in ppb) are: Os = 8−150, Ir = 4−320, Ru = 15−550, Rh = 2−82, Pt = 3−150 and Pd = 1.5−20. Gold ranges between 1 and 13 ppb. The PGE and less chalcophile elements (Ni, Co and Cu), the incompatible/compatible element ratios, the PGE/S ratio and PGE patterns provide valuable information for the discrimination of chromite ores with a similar major-element composition. A fractionation trend in both chromitites and associated dunites can be used for stratigraphic orientation in the mantle sequences of ophiolite complexes and evaluation of their chromite potential.

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