
A 4‰ positive shift in the carbon isotopic composition of the oceans, recorded globally in marine carbonate rocks at ∼1.3 Ga, suggests a significant change in Mesoproterozoic carbon cycling. Enhanced burial fluxes of organic carbon, relative to inorganic carbon, implied by this isotopic shift may have resulted in increased oxygenation of the Earth's biosphere, as has been suggested for similar Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic carbon isotope events. This hypothesized Mesoproterozoic oxygenation event may be recorded in the geologic record by the appearance of the oldest preserved, laterally extensive, bedded marine CaSO 4 evaporites in the ∼1.2 Ga Grenville and Bylot supergroups. Speculation that the appearance of extensively preserved marine gypsum and/or anhydrite reflects increased biospheric oxygenation has been challenged, however, by the hypothesis that CaSO 4 precipitation prior to the Mesoproterozoic may have been inhibited by significantly higher marine carbonate saturation, which would have facilitated carbonate precipitation and effectively limited Ca 2+ availability during seawater evaporation (Grotzinger, J.P., 1989. Controls on Carbonate Platform and Basin Development, vol. 44, SEPM, Tulsa, OK, pp. 79–106), regardless of O 2 levels. The 1.2 Ga Society Cliffs Formation (Bylot Supergroup, northern Baffin Island) consists of ∼720 m of peritidal carbonates, evaporites, and minor siliciclastic rocks. Evaporites occur predominantly in the lowermost 300 m of the Society Cliffs Formation, where gypsum beds (1–250 cm thick) constitute up to 15% of the exposed strata. Stratigraphic and sedimentologic constraints, as well as isotopic (C, O, Sr) and elemental (Ca, Sr, Na, K, Ba) compositions of evaporites and associated carbonates, indicate a marine origin for Society Cliffs gypsum. An upsection increase in δ 34S of Society Cliffs gypsum (from +22‰ to +32‰ VCDT) is therefore interpreted to reflect primary variation in Mesoproterozoic marine sulfate compositions, although the inferred rapidity of isotopic change requires a marine sulfate reservoir significantly smaller than that of the modern ocean. Examination of the maximum fractionation between coeval sulfide and sulfate reservoirs, however, indicates that Mesoproterozoic oceans were not sulfate-limited with respect to bacterial sulfate reduction either before or after the hypothesized 1.3 Ga oxygenation event. Although increased ocean-atmosphere oxygenation may have increased marine sulfate concentrations at this time, the exact role of a Mesoproterozoic oxygenation event cannot be ascertained. Furthermore, high Mg/Ca ratios measured in Society Cliffs gypsum suggest that elevated Mg 2+ concentrations in Proterozoic marine systems may have helped sustain carbonate hypersaturation, and that Ca 2+-limitation may have played a significant role in the Proterozoic record of evaporite deposition.

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