
The Monte Santo Alkaline Intrusive Suite (MSAIS) is an association syenite foid, nepheline syenite and syenite. The MSAIS rocks are intruded in metapelites of the Rio do Coco meta-volcanic-sedi- mentary Sequence and are abundant pegmathoid veins cutting all of them. The mineral paragenesis is represented by aegirina, arfvedsonite, albite and nepheline, crystallized during the initial phase of crystallization. A late magmatic phase show nepheline, perthite, calcite and biotite, and a hydrothermal phase allowed for the formation of cancrinite, sodalite, analcime and natrolita associated with altered nepheline. The geochemical analyses showed metaluminous and medium to high potassium characteristics, being classified as miaskitic rocks, according to agpaicity and the Na + K > 1/6Si indexes. However, the mineralogical assemblage suggests a low to medium agpaitic composition, which can be related to a transition from miaskitic to agpaitic crystallization regime. The rare earth elements showed depletion in heavy rare earth and a strong negative Eu anomaly and enrichments in the some lithophile elements, suggesting a differentiated pattern later, which can be associated to metasomatic alterations.


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