
Soltan Maidan Basaltic Complex with thickness up to about 1300m is located in the eastern Alborz zone, north of Iran. This complex is dominantly composed of transitional to mildly alkaline basaltic lava flows, agglomerates and tuffs, together with a few thin sedimentary interlayers. Field geological evidence and study of palynomorph assemblages in the shale interlayer show Late Ordovician to Early Late Silurian ages. Chondrite- and primitive-mantle normalized multi-element patterns of Soltan Maidan basalts demonstrate enrichment in highly incompatible elements relative to less incompatible ones and their patterns are most similar to OIB. Trace elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions indicate interaction and mixing of asthenospheric mantle source (OIB-type) with enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle components (EM1-type). This asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction occurred in an extensional continental setting, which resulted in opening of the Paleotethys Ocean in the north of Gondwana during the Late Silurian to Middle Devonian.

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