
A zoned intrusion with a biotite granodiorite core and arfvedsonite granite rim represents the source magma for an albitised granite plug near its eastern margin and radioactive siliceous veins along its western margin. A study of selected REE and trace elements of samples from this complex reveals that the albitised granite plug has at least a tenfold enrichment in Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y, Th, U and Sr, and a greatly enhanced heavy/light REE ratio compared with the peralkaline granite. The siliceous veins have even stronger enrichment of these trace elements, but a heavy/light REE ratio and negative eu anomaly similar to the peralkaline granite. It is suggested that the veins were formed from acidic volatile activity and the plug from a combination of highly fractionated magma and co-existing alkaline volatile phase. The granodiorite core intrudes the peralkaline granite and has similar trace element geochemistry. The peralkaline granite is probably derived from the partial melting of the lower crust in the presence of halide-rich volatiles, and the granodiorite from further partial melting under volatile-free conditions.

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