
The Tuwu deposit is one of the largest porphyry copper deposits in the Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. Ore bodies of the deposit are associated with the tonalite porphyry, which intruded the Early Carboniferous Qi´eshan Group. The hydrothermal ore‐forming processes include the porphyry mineralization episode with potassic, chlorite‐sericite/albite, phyllic, and propylitic alteration and the overprinting mineralization episode. These hydrothermal alteration episodes were studied on the basis of mass transfer and element mobility. The mass balance data and isocon diagrams reveal that Cu is highly associated with the chlorite‐sericite (albite) stage and followed by phyllic and potassic stages. On the basis of electron probe analysis, the SO3 contents of the igneous apatite from the tonalite porphyries range from 0.016 to 0.288 wt.%, which are higher than those from the diorite porphyries (SO3 = 0.088–0.179 wt.%). Similarly, the apatite saturation temperature (861–926°C) and magmatic S content (mean = 52.16 ppm) from the tonalite porphyries are also higher that from the diorite porphyries (T = 813–877°C; S = 28.25 ppm). These results suggest that the S content of the apatite is related to the temperature and S content of the melt. In the hydrothermal alteration zones, the F favours partitioning into apatite under lower temperature, the F contents of hydrothermal apatite increase from the potassic zones to the propylitic zones accompanying with the decrease of temperature. Cl element is much more sensitive to the pH, pressure, and fluid composition than F element. The Cl contents of the apatite increase from the potassic zones (0.18–0.46 wt.%) to the chorite‐sericite (albite) zones (0.28–0.58 wt.%), resulting from the decrease of fluid pH and pressure. The lower Cl contents of apatite (0.07–0.48 wt.%) in the phyllic zones were due to the lower Cl content of hydrothermal fluids. The highest Cl contents (0.09–0.69 wt.%) of apatite in the propylitic zones were caused by the decrease of pressure. The δ18Owater values of quartz in chlorite‐sericite (albite) zones and phyllic zones range from −0.8‰ to −0.4‰ and from −5.3‰ to 4.8‰, and the δD values vary from −57‰ to −47‰ and from −52‰ to −44‰, respectively. Gaseous compositions of the fluid inclusions in quartz are dominated by H2O with minor CO2, and the liquid compositions mainly consist of Na+ and Cl−. These data imply that the ore‐forming fluids belong to the H2O‐NaCl system and evolved from magmatic water to meteoric water in origin.

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