
This paper expands significantly on the major-ion geochemical characterization, evolution, and differentiation of groundwater in the Presidio-Redford Bolson (PRB) Aquifer of Texas as presented in Chowdhury et al. (2008). For 19 groundwater samples from the PRB Aquifer, the author calculated major cation–anion balance errors, equilibrium carbon dioxide partial pressure values and saturation indices for selected minerals. Comparison of major-ion analyses for groundwater from basin margin wells with those for basin center wells is documented and illustrated with ion-concentration maps and Piper and Stiff diagrams and reveals significant increases in concentrations of chloride, sulfate and sodium coupled with notable decrease of calcium in bolson-center well samples. These geochemical changes suggest dissolution of aquifer minerals and cation exchange as groundwater migrates downgradient to the bolson center. The US Geological Survey (USGS) computer code, NETPATH, was used to interpret probable net geochemical mass-balance reactions that potentially have occurred within the PRB Aquifer along groundwater flowpaths from bolson margin to bolson center. For all four upgradient–downgradient well pairs studied, at least three NETPATH models contain cation exchange values; calcium is being exchanged for sodium. The Rio Grande Alluvium Aquifer and Rio Grande River are notably minor sources of recharge to the PRB Aquifer, based on Chowdhury et al. (2008) and geochemical evaluations of this study.

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