
Maturation parameters based on aromatic hydrocarbons, and particularly the methyl-phenanthrene index (MPI-1), are powerful indicators which can be used to define the oil window in Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic petroleum source rocks and to compare maturities and detect migration in very old oils . The conventional vitrinite reflectance yardstick for maturity is not readily translated to these ancient sediments because they predate the evolution of the land plant precursors to vitrinite. While whole-rock geochemical tools such as Rock-Eval and TOC are useful for evaluation of petroleum potential, they can be imprecise when applied to maturity assessments.In this study, we carried out a range of detailed geochemical analyses on McArthur Basin boreholes penetrating the Roper Group source rocks. We determined the depth profiles for hydrocarbon generation based on Rock-Eval analysis of whole-rock, solvent-extracted rock, kerogen elemental H/C ratio and pyrolysis GC. Although we found that Hydrogen Index (HI) and the Tmax parameter were strongly correlated with other maturation indicators, they were not sufficiently sensitive nor were they universally applicable. Maturation measurements based on saturated biomarkers were not useful either because of the low abundance of these compounds in most Roper Group bitumens and oils.

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