
Abstract 1) The nature of the residual magmatic waters in the cavities of the trachyandesitic basalt in Imari district is described with the nature of their mother rocks and druse minerals. 2) From the definition of the real magmatic state, temperature, and chemical properties of many kinds of magmatic waters are discussed, and the residual magmatic waters are distinguished from the magmatic waters derived directly from lava lakes. It is concluded that the magmatic waters are not always juvenile. 3) The formation of the various kinds of the primary hot springs are discussed from the definition of hot springs and the various kinds of the magmatic waters. 4) Chemical nature of the primary hydrosphere and the primary atmosphere in the initial stage of their formation are discussed from the chemical properties of the magmatic waters and volcanic gases. 5) The important properties of the magmatic substances in the cavities of the volcanic rocks are discussed from the standpoint of the distribution of the magmatic substances in the cavities.

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