
The comparativegeochemical study was first cond ucted for the ultrabasic-basic massifs of the cen� tral part of the Belomorian mobile belt, which were previously ascribed to the drusite complex on the basis of the presence of coronal textures. The studied magmatic bodies are geochemically heterogeneous and can be subdivided into three groups: (1) highMg rocks (MgO > 20 wt %) with elevated Cr content, enriched trace ele� ment patterns, and deep negative Ta-Nb anomaly (Sorkajoki Massif). Intrusions of this group are geochemi� cally close to the layered plutons of Northern and Eastern Karelia (Kivakka, Burakovsky) and to the intrusions of the Kola Peninsula (Monchepluton and others); (2) lowMg intrusions (MgO < 10 wt %) with elevated con� tents of Fe, Ti, and P (403�m Height Massif). The ro cks composing these intrusions are characterized by sub� horizontal trace element patterns and weak Ta-Nb anomaly; (3) intrusions with intermediate MgO contents (10-20 wt %), flat, occasionally depleted REE patterns, and lack of Ta-Nb anomaly (Mt. Grob Tundra). The identified geochemical differences do not depend on the degree of metamorphic transformations, but were pre� sumably caused by differences in phase and chemical composition of parental magmas, as well as by conditions of their crystallization. It was substantiated that ultrabasic-basic massifs presently united into the drusite com� plex are genetically diverse and acquired similar textural appearance due to regional metamorphism. Thus, the presence of coronal textures is insufficient to ascribe the intrusions to the drusite complex, their mineralogical and geochemical composition should be taken into account.

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