
Research subject.The West Magnitogorsk zone of the Southern Urals in the vicinity of the Ishkildino village features a subaerially exposed basaltic sequence superposed by cherts and siliceous-clay shales. The basalts and the overlying shales are assumed to have formed during the Ordovician and Silurian (?)–Early Devonian (up to the conodont zone excavates inclusive) periods, respectively. The aim of this research was to reconstruct, using geochemical data, the conditions under which the rocks present in this geological location were formed.Materials and methods. Five samples of the basalts (XRD and ICP-MS methods), 27 samples of the siliceous-clay shales and 10 samples of the cherts (XRD and ICP-AES methods) were analyzed.Results.According to the ratio of SiO2, Na2O and K2O, the volcanic rocks from the lower part of the section are represented by basalts and trachybasalts. Their geochemical composition corresponds to the N-MORB and is established to be similar to that of the basalts in the Polyakovskaya formation (the Middle–Upper Ordovician). In terms of main elements, the shales under study consist of quartz and illite with a slight admixture of organic matter, goethite, quartzfeldspar fragments, etc. The degree of the sedimentary material weathering according to the CIA, CIW and ICV index values is shown to be moderate. The values of Strakhov’s and Boström’s moduli correspond to sediments without the admixture of underwater hydrothermal vent products. The values of Cr/Al, V/Al and Zr/Al correspond to those characteristic of deposits in deep-water zones remote from the coasts of passive and active continental margins, basalt islands and areas adjacent to mid-ocean ridges. For most samples, the values of Ni/Co, V/Cr, Mo/Mn are typical of deposits formed under oxidative conditions. However, several samples from the upper part of the section, which is comparable to the kitabicus and excavatus conodont zones, demonstrate the Ni/Co, V/Cr, and Mo/Mn values corresponding to deposits formed under reducing atmospheres. An assumption is made that the existence of these deposits can be associated with the Bazal Zlichov event.Conclusion.The investigated pre-Emsian shales have shown no signs of volcanic activity in the adjacent areas. The studied deposits are established to correspond to the central part of the Ural Paleoocean.


  • Геохимические особенности и условия образования раннедевонских кремнисто-глинистых сланцев разреза Ишкильдино и подстилающих их базальтов

  • The West Magnitogorsk zone of the Southern Urals in the vicinity of the Ishkildino village features a subaerially exposed basaltic sequence superposed by cherts and siliceous-clay shales

  • (1996) Global Events in the Devonian and Carboniferous

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Изученный нами разрез расположен на юговосточной окраине д. 2) западного и южного склонов горы с вершиной 607.0 м обнажена последовательность базальтов, кремнистых и кремнисто-глинистых сланцев. Первый интервал обнажен в северной части разреза Он представлен трещиноватыми выветрелыми базальтами в верхней части с прослоями кремнисто-глинистых сланцев и кремней. Кремнисто-гли­ нис­тых пород – зеленовато-серый, иногда зеле­. Мощность отдельных слой- Возраст отложений первого интервала остается ков 1–15 мм, пачек кремнисто-глинистых пород – неопределенным, поскольку данные о нем неодно0.3–1.0 м. Fazliakhmetov стов и др., 2005], в одном из прослоев плитчатых радиоляритов, залегающих в верхней части базальтов данного разреза, выделены фрагменты раннедевонских конодонтов. Верхняя половина интервала сложена кремнистыми и кремнисто-глинистыми сланцами, но, в отличие от пород первого и второго интервалов, они имеют иной облик. Цвет их серый и темно-серый, они будинированы и рассечены многочисленными трещинами и прожилками белого кварца.

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