
The Paradise Mountain Caldera (~20 × 14 km), located west of Fort Davis, Texas, produced two major ignimbrite/lava complexes at ~36.2 and 35.9 Ma. The older unit (Fort Davis Tuff) is composed of rheomorphic tuff and overlying chemically similar lava. The younger unit (Wild Cherry Tuff) forms thick intracaldera deposits and an outflow sheet that spread over an estimated 2000 km2. Near the caldera, the two ignimbrites are separated by trachytic lava of the Mount Locke Formation. The 5-km diameter Point of Rocks intrusion, which crops out within the eastern margin of the caldera, may have fed the Mount Locke flows. Wild Cherry Tuff is overlain by silicic lava (Casket Mountain Formation, ~35.8 Ma), with which is shares chemical similarities. Intracaldera Wild Cherry Tuff was intruded by silicic intrusions and locally intensively silicified and kaolinized. In a revision of stratigraphic nomenclature, we assign all of the above volcanic units to a Barrel Springs Group.Collectively, the above units form a series ranging from trachyte to alkali rhyolite. Glomeroporphyritic trachyte of Mount Locke lavas represents silicic melt incompletely segregated from more mafic material within a source magma chamber. Variation between Mount Locke Formation trachyte and Fort Davis Tuff rhyolite can be modelled by fractionation of a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, FeTi oxides, and apatite; variation within the two major tuff units can be modelled almost exclusively by alkali feldspar. Central eruption within the caldera produced intracaldera tuff more evolved than most of its outflow. Alkali rhyolite of the Wild Cherry Tuff and Casket Mountain lavas, although similar in major element chemistry and mineralogy, show wide variation in incompatible trace elements, suggesting that evolution of silicic magmas in terms of major element chemistry had reached an impasse due to fractionation of a mineral assemblage whose bulk composition was similar to that of parental rhyolite.Paradise Mountain units represent a transition from alkalic magmatism in northeastern Trans-Pecos Texas to metaluminous to peraluminous magmatism in southwestern Trans-Pecos Texas and adjacent Mexico. Over a span of 10 Ma, silicic magmatism terminated southwestward over this region at a rate of about 24 km/Ma. This termination may reflect continued foundering of a sinking Farallon slab and associated asthenospheric mantle upwelling. Mafic magma derived by melting of lithospheric mantle formed plutons that, through filter pressing of silicic magma from crystalline mush, generated silicic melts. The transition across the Trans Pecos region from alkalic to metaluminous magmatism may have resulted through preferential modification of lithospheric mantle along the easternmost extent of Laramide subduction.

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