
Climate and environmental changes on Earth have become modern challenges to humanity. The main factor affecting the landscapes of Russia is an increase in air temperature and a decrease in precipitation. Because of these processes, the amount of aerosols in the near-ground atmosphere of the landscapes of the ETR (European territory of Russia) increases. The aim of the study is to determine the atmogeophysical and atmogeochemical indicators that reveal the interaction of the atmosphere and the diversity of natural landscapes in European Russia. Landscape-geochemical research methods make it possible to study geosystems with the participation of all landscape components and actual migration processes, especially the atmospheric migration of chemical elements. To determine the modern atmogeochemical existence, field comprehensive studies of the potential emission of matter in all natural zones of the ETR were carried out submeridionally - in the landscapes of the steppe, forest-steppe, forest and tundra zones of the ETR. The research results show that in the submeridional profile, the mass concentration of aerosols decreases regularly from south to north, the minimum concentrations of atmospheric aerosols are observed in the forest zone, in the tundra there was a slight increase due to anthropogenic landscapes and the influence of the sea. Analysis of the chemical composition of aerosols revealed that, among the elements of global importance, aluminosilicates naturally increase to the south of the ETR as elements of clay minerals that are widespread in the Russian Plain. The maximum phosphorus content occurs in the residential area with agricultural landscapes. Sulfur concentrations are confined to the semiarid zone of the ETR, then decrease in the forest zone and increase again in the technogenic regions and the tundra belt of the Kola Peninsula, surrounded by the sea. The concentrations of chemical elements of regional and local distribution in atmospheric aerosols are more differentiated on the ETR and depend on the natural and technogenic features of each region. Thus, heavy metals are more common in the Plain territories of the forest-steppe and forest zones of the ETR and are confined to the bedrock and technogenic sources. High concentrations of calcium and strontium are associated with areas of weathering of carbonate rocks. In general, increased concentrations of atmospheric aerosols with an increased content of anthropogenic elements are observed during the western and southern transport of air masses. At the same time, the amount of rainstorm precipitation increases when these aerosols act as condensation nuclei. To assess the current state of the atmosphere at the ETR, it is necessary to continue field measurements and organize European annual and seasonal geochemical monitoring at stationary observation points.

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