
Abstract The most important part of the coal-bearing Carboniferous series is the Lublin formation (Lublin beds) (Westphalian A and B), where the main multi-seam coal deposits occur. Westphalian B is represented by a limnic series with are irregularly formed horizons of freshwater faunal. The paper presents the characteristics of horizons containing the remains of freshwater faunal from the boreholes: Borowo, Syczyn 7, Kulik, Kopina 1 (LCB). These horizons build claystones with layers or clay siderite concretions. For the analyzed horizons the content of the following elements: U, Th, V, Cr, Rb, K (ICP-MS) and oxides: Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, K2O, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, MnO, TiO2, Cr2O3 (XRF) were determined. The most commonly ratios used in the identification of palaeoenvironment sedimentary were calculated (Th/U, Th/K2O, V/Cr, P2O5/Al2O3, Rb/K). It was found that the content of elements U, Th, V, Cr, Rb K showed very similar values for claystones from borehole: Borowo, Syczyn 7, Kulik, while the sample from borehole Kopina 1 clearly lower value was observed. The research for all samples showed that those ratios such as: U, Th, Th/U, P2O5/Al2O3, V/Cr, Rb/K may be used to identify sedimentary environment and to geochemical correlations of the sedimentary rock sequences in the LCB.

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