
Abstract Greenstones, representing remnants of paleo‐oceanic crust, occur in Permian and Jurassic accretionary complexes of the Inner Zone in the Southwestern Japan arc. The formation age of most of the greenstones is early Carboniferous, based on fossil ages for overlying limestones and Sm‐Nd isotope ages of the greenstones themselves. The geochemistry of such greenstones is similar to those of present‐day oceanic islands. Greenstones of the Permian accretionary complex (Akiyoshi belt) are alkalic and tholeiitic in composition. Some alkali basalts show peculiar features from an EM‐1 mantle source, such as the Gough Island and Tristan da Chunha basalts in the South Atlantic. Greenstones of the Jurassic accretionary complex (Tamba belt) are also alkali and tholeiitic basalts with both basalt types in the northern part of the Tamba belt coming from strongly depleted characters similar to a mid‐ocean ridge basalt source mantle. The variable geochemistry of the oceanic basalts is explained by hypothesis on existence of a Carboniferous mantle plume below the spreading ridge which divides the Farallon and Izanagi plates. The Akiyoshi belt seamounts and/or oceanic islands of the Farallon plate and Tamba belt seamounts and/or oceanic islands of the Izanagi plate formed simultaneously by the upwelling of the thermal plume. Some part of the Akiyoshi belt basalts originated locally from an EM‐1 mantle source, while basalts from the northern parts of the Tamba belt have a normal‐type mid‐ocean ridge basalt (N‐MORB) source component. Existence of an N‐MORB signature is consistent with the presence of a spreading center in a Carboniferous ‘Pacific Ocean’ that caused separation of the Farallon and Izanagi plates. Disparity in accretion ages of the basaltic rocks in the Permian and Jurassic may have been caused by differences in the relative motion of the two plates.

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