
Coal and grain complex areas influence the geochemical characterization of REEs through coal mining activities and agricultural production. However, there is a lack of relevant studies. In this study, we investigated the geochemical characterization and risk assessment of REEs in river sediments of the northern Anhui plain, a typical coal-grain composite area. The results showed that the average concentrations of ∑REE in the sediments ranged from 134.7 to 220.3 μg/g, and LREE was significantly enriched. Among the 14 REEs, Gd and Eu were the most enriched, with enrichment factors of 1.792 and 1.764, respectively. In addition, the differences in REEs content and enrichment between different rivers were related to the location of coal mines and the degree of population concentration. The average values of δCe and δEu in the sediments were 0.990 and 1.080, respectively, and most of the sampling sites showed a weak positive Ce, Eu anomaly. The results of Pearson's correlation and RDA redundancy analyses showed that Fe, Al, Mn and sand contributed more to the enrichment of REEs. The river sediments in the whole area had a slight potential ecological risk, with Eu (Er=13.05) and Lu (Er=14.07) having the highest potential risk. The ADD results also showed that the average daily dose of REEs by children was around 2.000 (μg/(kg·day)), which was significantly higher than that of adults. The results of this study can be used as a basis for the prevention and control of REEs in rivers in northern Anhui Province.

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