
In the Borong Gneiss Dome and Malashan Gneiss Dome within the Tethyan Himalaya, zircon UPb ages and whole-rock geochemical data demonstrate that at least two episodes of leucogranite formed at 19.8–19.4 Ma and 18.6–18.5 Ma, respectively. Each of them contains at least two suites of granite: two-mica granite and garnet-bearing leucogranite. Although the two types of granites are characterized by distinct element geochemistry and mineral compositions, they show similar Sr-Nd-Hf isotope ratios and regular variations in the compositions of whole-rock elements. From two-mica granite to garnet-bearing leucogranite, SiO2, Na2O, Rb, Nb, and Ta contents and Rb/Sr ratios increase; in contrast, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, FeO, TiO2, Sr, Ba, Eu, Zr, U, Th, light rare earth elements (LREEs) and Sc contents, as well as Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios, decrease. Such systematic variations imply that two-mica granite and garnet-bearing leucogranite are cogenetic and that two-mica granite represents the more primary melt, whereas garnet-bearing leucogranite is a more evolved melt. During granitic magma evolution, fractional crystallization induces substantial changes in the melt structure and in turn major changes in the dissolution behavior of accessory phases (e.g., zircon, monazite, and apatite) and the geochemistry of key trace elements. Such changes might be the key factors that resulted in the subordinate W-Sn-Nb-Ta-Be anomalies in the more evolved granites, which implies that the Himalayan Cenozoic leucogranites have high potential to produce economic rare metal deposits.

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