
The Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of selected post-collisional, calc-alkaline, I-type granitoids from the Pangeon pluton, intruding the lower tectonic unit (LTU) in the Southern Rhodope in the Miocene, support the existence of two types of granitoids (PTG porphyritic tonalite granodiorite and MGG biotite granodiorite to two-mica granite) unrelated by crystal fractionation and likely derived by partial melting of the same source under different P-T conditions. The Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of mafic enclaves in the granitoids as well as metamorphic rocks from the LTU have also been determined. At 22 Ma, the IRSr range between 0.706850 and 0.708381, whereas the εNd(22) range from –3.86 to –1.05, with no relationship to granitoid types. The relationships between Sr and Nd isotopes as well as these isotopes and SiO2 provide evidence of contamination of mafic melts by interaction with crust during magma differentiation. Both partial melting and AFC processes (r = 0.2) may account for compositional variations in the Pangeon magmas. The mafic enclaves display IRSr from 0.706189 to 0.707139, and εNd(22) from –2.29 to –1.94, similar to the granitoids, supporting the hypothesis of a common origin. Amphibolites inferred to be subduction-enriched metabasalts under-plated crust during old subduction can represent the source of the Pangeon melts. The TDM of the Pangeon granitoids is in the range 0.7–1.1 Ga for the inferred extraction age of the LILE-enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. The upper crustal geochemical signatures and the relatively small isotopic composition of the Pangeon granitoids make these rocks similar to the coeval eastern-Mediterranean lamproites emplaced within the same geodynamic setting; this prompts similar melt sources. Lastly, the Pangeon granitoids display geochemical characteristics, isotopic ratios, and TDM also similar to other Tertiary magmatic rocks from the Southern Rhodope and Biga peninsula, western Anatolia, suggesting a similar tectonic environment and co-magmatic evolution throughout the area.

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