
The 547±7Ma old Achas intrusion (Damara orogen, Namibia) includes magnesian, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, calcic to calc-alkalic granodiorites and ferroan, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic leucogranites. For the granodiorites, major and trace element variations show weak if any evidence for fractional crystallization whereas some leucogranites are highly fractionated. Both, granodiorites and leucogranites are isotopically evolved (granodiorites: εNdinit: −12.4 to −20.5; TDM: 2.4–1.9; leucogranites: εNdinit: −12.1 to −20.6, TDM: 2.5–2.0), show similar Pb isotopic compositions, and may be derived from late Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal source rocks. Comparison with melting experiments and simple partial melting modeling indicate that the granodiorites may be derived by extensive melting (>40%) at 900–950°C under water-undersaturated conditions (<5wt.% H2O) of felsic gneisses. Al-Ti and zircon saturation thermometry of the most primitive granodiorite sample yielded temperatures of ca. 930°C and ca. 800°C. In contrast to other lower crust-derived granodiorites and granites of the Central Damara orogen, the composition of the magma source is considered the first-order cause of the compositional diversity of the Achas granite. Second-order processes such as fractional crystallization at least for the granodiorites were minor and evidence for coupled assimilation-fractional crystallization processes is lacking. The most likely petrogenetic model involves high temperature partial melting of a Paleoproterozoic felsic source in the lower crust ca. 10–20Ma before the first peak of regional high-temperature metamorphism. Underplating of the lower crust by magmas derived from the lithospheric mantle may have provided the heat for melting of the basement to produce anhydrous granodioritic melts.

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