
The wide-band source (WBS) signals measured in the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX) in the East China Sea (ECS) were used to invert for geoacoustic parameters. Sound speed and density were inverted using the matched-field processing method combined with the vertical reflection coefficients and sea-bed attenuation coefficients were inverted from the vertical correlation data. For a half infinite liquid sea-bottom model, the inverted equivalent bottom sound speed is 1610/spl plusmn/12 m/s and the bottom density is 1.86 g/cm/sup 3/. The inverted attenuation coefficients are well described by a nonlinear relationship of the form /spl alpha//sub b/=0.28f/sup 1.58/ dB/m (f is in units of kilohertz) in the frequency range of 100-600 Hz.

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