
Taxonomic composition of native and alien plants of the genus Corydalis s. l. in the flora of Ukraine has been analyzed. Based on literature, herbarium, inventory and other information, it was established for the first time that 3 native taxa (outside natural ranges) and 16 alien taxa of the genus Corydalis were recorded among ergasiophytes in botanical gardens and dendrological parks of Ukraine. The majority of these ergasiophytes (73.7 %) have not been preserved in the collections of living plants, indicating a low level of naturalization. The leading scientific center for the plant cultivation, where 82.4 % of alien taxa of the genus Corydalis have been cultivated, is the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv). Additionally, 4 alien taxa at different stages of naturalization were noted in the spontaneous flora of Ukraine. These include the ephemerophyte C. bracteata, colonophyte C. lutea, epecophyte C. cava subsp. marschalliana (outside the natural range) and hemiagryophyte C. caucasica. In the conditions of M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden and Syretsky Dendrological Park (Kyiv) ontogenetic structure of native coenopopulations of C. solida and introduced coenopopulations of naturalized alien taxa C. cava subsp. marschalliana and C. caucasica have been found. It was found that the coenopopulations of C. solida belong to the mature or aging types; C. cava subsp. marshalliana – to the young type; C. caucasica – young with a bias towards an invasive type. The highest density and a high seed germination in various coenotic conditions, which emphasizes the invasive nature of this species, distinguish coenopopulations of C. caucasica. Its expansion in the conditions of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden corresponds to the existing trend of the invasive spread of alien species from the southern regions, which is intensified by Global Climate Change. Due to the invasive activity of C. caucasica, this alien taxon, according to existing recommendations, should be considered as an invasive plant at the initial stage of expansion, so it should not be recommended for introduction to other countries and should be prevented from spreading in Ukraine.

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