
Summary: Three patients with chronic hip disease and progressive coxa vara deformity also had an unrecognized compensatory ipsilateral genu valgum until the primary hip deformity had been corrected operatively. This unrecognized genu valgum may become subtly worse in a growing child because of lateralization of the mechanical axis of the lower extremity with respect to the knee joint. Operative correction of coxa vara acutely moves the mechanical axis farther laterally, causing the occult genu valgum to become clinically apparent. The genu valgum may subtly worsen over time in a growing child because of lateralization of the lower extremity mechanical axis with respect to the knee joint, with the resulting abnormal Hueter-Volkmann forces across the physis causing progressive genu valgum. Recognition of occult genu valgum before correcting coxa vara in children allows the surgeon the better to advise the family about the need for possible subsequent operations on the knee.

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