
Syntactic analysis is a series of processes in order to validate a string that is received by a language. Understanding the process of reduction rules to become a tree is the part that is difficult to explain. This paper describes the results of the design tool to automate an input string into a decrease in the rules to trees in the visualized with images either in the form of files or display, performance evaluation tools and analysis of students' understanding of the tool by the algorithm Cocke Younger Kasami (cyk) was selected as one of the cases for parsing techniques in the Context Free Grammar (CFG) in the form of Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). These results indicate that the model successfully implemented into the application named genTree (Generator Tree), application performance gained a significant number of measurements of the variations in the complexity of the grammar and the input string by 29.13% with the complexities 7 and 8:50% with the complexity of 20, while for long input string against time processing algorithm can be a value of 3.3 and 66.98% as well as 29 and 6:19%, also obtained differences in the ability of the t-test on a group of students control against the experimental group with a value of t = 5.336 with df 74, p value of 0.001 , on the level of signfikansi 0.05% (5%). Also terapat increase in the percentage of correct answers was 58% in the variation of difficulty, 83% of the variation was easy. Sebalikanya wrong answer decline by 60% in difficult variation, the variation was 100% and 57% for easy variation. Recently there is a change decrease in the percentage of students who are not doing as much as 60% in the variation of difficulty, 44% of the variation was 13% on the variations easily can be concluded that the applications run efficiently and optimally, but also can effectively improve students' understanding in beajar automata with case cyk algorithm. Keywords—Tool, Analysis, Syntax, Algorithms, Trees


  • Syntactic Analysis is a series of processes in order to validate a string that is received by a language

  • Given the complexity of the analysis of the syntactic subset with the TBO on the Cocke Younger Kasami (CYK) algorithm, this paper proposes a model of generator to generate the tree from the input string and the Context Free Grammar (CFG) in the form Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) automatically, realizing the model into a tool that can generate a decline rules and trees in the form of textual and graphic, as well as measuring the performance of these tools by providing a variation of input strings and grammar to see the accuracy of the length of the string the complexities of grammar, and the processing time to generate output that is in want, and analysis of the level of understanding by doing a trial against a second-year student at the Faculty of computer science

  • The main objective of this paper is the First, making the model and framework of thought to produce tools that generates tree and decline rules automatically based on input grammar and CYK algorithms with string, Second, methods development system used to build models and software architecture involves the structure of the high level of abstraction of system software, by using decomposition and composition, with the attributes of the style and quality of architecture

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Syntactic Analysis is a series of processes in order to validate a string that is received by a language. Grammar is part of the theory of languages and automata, which are represented in linear and is known by the term parsing, which results in a tree (parse tree) for the analysis of syntactic [2, 3, 4, 5]. This technique will be the focus for implemented in a paper, with the model of the language into a form of Chomsky normal form [6]. In addition to known very complicated and slow Its development, both in terms of algorithms, theory as well as implementation, the existence of TBO is still very central in the computer science, because without it the computer can't be developed as currently

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