
This article is devoted to the study of the development of Old Provençal poetry in Italy in the 12th-13th centuries. Using specific examples from the work of early Italian troubadours (Peire de la Caravana, Peire de la Mula, Sordello, Lanfranco Cigala, etc.), the authors examine in detail such aspects of the topic as the reception and interpretation of the tradition of Old Provençal poetry. Of all the genres of poetry in the works of Italian troubadours, the most developed are the “political” and “social” ones — sirventes and tenso, which should be seen as an intensification of the participation of poets in the social and political life of Italy. All this can be studied by reflection in poetic creativity of the 12th-century and 13th-century Italian troubadours. In this regard, the authors of the article pay special attention to poetic works belonging to these two genres. The relevance of this study lies in a comprehensive linguistic, literary and historical approach to the consideration of the issue. The use of such an integrated approach allows to identify the main trends in the development of Provençal poetry, reasons associated with the historical context, as well as linguistic diversification associated with the choice of a particular genre. The authors come to the conclusion that the repertoire of poetic genres and the choice of language in which poetry is created changes depending on the dynamics of social and cultural conditions. The large number of sirvent and tenson is an important observation, indicating the presence of a social cultural context and space in which such political and satirical works and “impromptu” debates on a variety of topics were in demand. These genres will receive their further development in the history of Italian literature.

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