
This article examines the works of the enlighteners, innovator, and agitators in Bashkir literature of the early XX century. The author analyzes the motifs, images and ideological-thematic aspects of poets in the genres maktub and hitap. It is determined that in form of appeals, they raise the problems of freedom, enlightenment, suppression of people, protest of war, etc. Literary examples of poetic works that reflect the motifs of that time are subjected to analysis. Agitational, manifestational, publicistic, and revolutionary ideas are revealed in the images of war, since the agitators called people to seek freedom and development. Namely the genres maktub and hitap contributed to explication of thoughts, desires and aspirations of the innovators of the early XX century. The struggle for freedom, equality, and education intertwined with the ideas of revolution and enlightenment. Some poets claimed that namely illiteracy and unprofessionalism of the people impede social development. Therefore, the appeals played a crucial role in works of the poets, which were filled with humanistic spirit, strive for perfection and ideals. The scientific novelty consists in detailed examination of the genres maktup and hitap in the works of Bashkir writers of the early XX century, as well as consideration of modern approaches towards assessment of aesthetic aspect of these genres. It is concluded that the genres maktub and hitap possess a quality to manifest an opinion or stance on various problems and situations of that time. They are fused with deep and tense thoughts and feelings that can form the worldview and experiences of the poet-citizen, poet-fighter, who have active approach to life and their time.

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