
The article is devoted to the genre and style features of contemporary oeuvre of Ukrainian composers. It was determined that genre and style, which are closely interrelated, is the representation of the author’s individuality. It is emphasized that it is impossible to characterize the work of artists without understanding the specified categories. Therefore, the reference to the categories of genre and style is not accidental. The analysis of the oeuvre by O. Kozarenko, L. Dychko, L. Kolobud, and Ye. Stankovych allows us to conclude about the inherent features of contemporary Ukrainian musical art, namely: the synthesis of genres, in particular, a symphony and a concerto, the introduction of elements of choreography into the symphony genre, and the resort to various style directions, including musical models of the baroque, new folk wave, and jazz intonations. The mentioned features are successfully combined with modern compositional techniques, such as serial technique, aleatoric music, and sonorism.

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