
The revealing of a work of art poetry specifics through the actualization of world modelling genre strategies is a popular and promising trend in modern literary criticism. This article is devoted to the study of V.O. Pelevin's creativity, one of the most significant writers of modern Russian literature. The article examines V. Pelevin's works written in the 90-s of the twentieth century in terms of genre specificity, in particular, the variable refraction of education novel model in the works "Omon Ra", "Life of Insects", "Generation 'P'". In the study of V. Pelevin's creativity of the 90-s the focus was on the definition of the topical originality of his works, as well as on the revealing of postmodern poetic tricks there. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it discloses the specifics of the education novel genre model functioning in the writer's works written in the 90s of the twentieth century (including its parody version). The article explores in detail the structural and compositional components of the genre model in the education novel within the texts selected for the analysis, revealed its transformed (in line with the game poetics) option. The semantic potential of this genre model is associated with the actualization of humanistic axiology that allows to make the conclusion about its priority in the early works of the writer, deepens the understanding of the education model genre model polyvariance, brings new dimensions in the interpretation of the writer's works written in the 90- s of the twentieth century.

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